rac drop database
1--删除数据库实例 (删除实例前先关闭实例)
srvctl stop instance -d afclc -i afclc1
srvctl remove instance -d afclc -i afclc1
srvctl stop instance -d afclc -i afclc2
srvctl remove instance -d afclc -i afclc2
srvctl stop database -d afclc
srvctl remove database -d afclc
srvctl stop instance -d afclc -i afclc1
srvctl remove instance -d afclc -i afclc1
srvctl stop instance -d afclc -i afclc2
srvctl remove instance -d afclc -i afclc2
srvctl stop database -d afclc
srvctl remove database -d afclc
3.先停止所有节点实例(否则回报ORA-29707: inconsistent value 1 for initialization parameter cluster_database_instances with other instances)
sqlplus "/as sysdba"
shutdown immediate
startup nomount
alter system set CLUSTER_DATABASE=FALSE scope=spfile;
shutdown immediate
3启动mount restric 模式
startup mount restrict
drop database;
1,10g以上才能有drop database命令
2,The DROP DATABASE command deletes these files from operating system.
* Datafiles www.2cto.com
* Online Redo Log Files
* Controlfiles
* SPFILE (if it exists)
The DROP DATABASE command does not delete the following files:
* init.ora (text version of the initialization file)
* password file
* entries in listener files
* entries in oratab file
3,win NT环境下文件不会自动删除